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Plus 1 is an exhibiiton that concived during Covid-19. We were all sitting at home and wondering when was the next lookdown going to be, when can I see my friends and when can we go back to our cabin? This exhibition is put together in a difficult time when didn't know the answer to any of the questions above. 


Plus 1 is a show where we asked artist we work with to invite a plus 1 to how with. Audar Kantun invited Amir Amadeus Asgharnejad, Charlie Roebrts invited Victoria Duffee, Erlend Grytbakk Wold invited Pia Eikaas, Johanne Hestvold invited Tor-Finn Fitje and Linn Pedersen invited Thora Dolven Balke. 


Stay safe, 

Golsa team