Alice Folker x Golsa: Melinda Braathen, Nick Farhi, Asger H. Gjerdevik, Noah Kanber, Sophie Kitching, Frederik Næblerød, Charlie Roberts, Abby Robinson, Yves Schrerer, Anna Stahn, Kristian Touborg, Maria Zahle

22 August - 15 September 2023


We’re delighted to announce the upcoming joint exhibition with the Alice Folker Gallery in Copenhagen, “Alice Folker x Golsa,” opening Tuesday, August 22nd, 16.00 - 18.00.


Alice Folker Gallery has invited Golsa to a joint exhibition at Esplanaden 14, Copenhagen. The group show will feature works of the following artists: Melinda Braathen, Nick Farhi, Asger H. Gjerdevik, Noah Kanber, Sophie Kitching, Frederik Næblerød, Charlie Roberts, Abby Robinson, Yves Schrerer, Anna Stahn, Kristian Touborg, and Maria Zahle.


For more information, please send us a message at

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