14 September - 12 October 2024
Galleri Golsa is pleased to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of Julian-Jakob Kneer. This exhibition will feature new works by the Swiss artist, who is currently based in Paris and Berlin.

BASTARDS (SHADOW WORKERS) is the fourth installment in Julian-Jakob Kneer's BASTARDS franchise, where he explores themes of morality, identity, and the binaries that define contemporary culture. Kneer, a Swiss artist based in Paris and Berlin, presents monochrome printed silver mirrors with custom-made galvanized frames, each layered with collages of seemingly random movie posters. By merging ready-made, opposing narratives, these “movie posters” become contemporary artifacts that challenge socio-cultural constructs like right and wrong, art and pop, and sickness and health.


Kneer’s practice riffs on these themes by sifting contemporary zeitgeist through the lens of ancient lore, probing the foundational principles of human psychology. He breaks down these cultural binaries into their constituent parts, recasting them in a value-free queer space that confronts our conceptions of morality, beauty, and health. His works create a dialogue between the narcissistic self and collective myth, inviting us to reconsider our perceptions of a fractured, polarized world.


 The show will be accompanied by a text by Tea Hačić-Vlahović


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