Patrick Salutt Sveitsisk, 1992
55 1/8 x 63 in
by andra dumitrascu
Patrick Salutts works expand between the heights of nature mysticism and the earthy pragmatism of bodily encryptions and manifestations. What is a live well lived? Which shells do we inherit, leave behind, transition. How- and if- can we compose a reality integrating the essence of all beings in a mundane decay? Does the humbleness of a body transcend into a societal experience?
The sports and nature moments depicted in his works originate in the cold springs and frozen traditions of an alpine society, conserved in a ancient latin language - Rhaeto-Romanic - and a slow glitching modernism.
There is no need for thoughts; the escapism of the intellectual tradition becomes obsolete and ridiculous above the vegetation line. The body always knows, and always knew. It doesn't know of borders, thoughts, or concepts.
It only knows of nature, and itself.