14 September - 12 October 2024
Galleri Golsa har gleden av å annonsere den kommende soloutstillingen til Julian-Jakob Kneer. Utstillingen vil vise nye verk av den sveitsiske kunstneren, som for tiden er basert i Paris og Berlin.

BASTARDS (SHADOW WORKERS) er den fjerde delen i Julian-Jakob Kneers BASTARDS-serie, hvor han utforsker temaer som moral, identitet og de binære oppfatningene som definerer samtidskulturen. Kneer, en sveitsisk kunstner basert i Paris og Berlin, presenterer monokrome trykte sølvspeil med spesiallagde galvaniserte rammer, hver med lagdelte kollasjer av tilsynelatende tilfeldige filmpostere. Ved å blande ferdiglagde, motstridende narrativer blir disse "filmplakatene" til samtidens artefakter som utfordrer samfunnets konstruksjoner som rett og galt, kunst og pop, sykdom og helse.


Kneers praksis leker med disse temaene ved å sile samtidens tidsånd gjennom eldgamle myter, og utforske de grunnleggende prinsippene i menneskets psykologi. Han bryter ned disse kulturelle binærene i sine bestanddeler og kaster dem om i et verdifritt, skeivt rom som utfordrer våre oppfatninger av moral, skjønnhet og helse. Verkene hans skaper en dialog mellom det narsissistiske selvet og kollektive myter, og inviterer oss til å revurdere våre oppfatninger av en splittet og polarisert verden.



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Exhibition text

What does the movie poster of your life look like? Lush and romantic or brutal and bleak? 1998 was a good year for films. Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, Practical Magic, Buffalo 66, The Parent Trap! When watching films made in the same year, taking place in the same spots, you “can’t help but wonder,” (Carrie Bradshaw voice), what if these stories and plots crossed over? What if a slasher film creeped into your cartoon? Why not? That’s how real life works. In the same apartment building in the same moment two lovers can be climaxing while another couple suffers murder-suicide. 


Films are magic because they let us pretend we can control life’s themes and narratives. But anybody waking up feeling like a firing squad is waiting for them in the bathroom since their lover hasn’t texted them back knows that life is impossible to direct. The movie poster of your childhood versus adolescence versus adult life are completely different genres. Sometimes I switch genres between one day and the next, especially depending on what I’m drinking. 


In this psycho present-future, we’re all walking billboards, advertising the “plot” of our routine. Julian-Jakob Kneer embraces this madness through custom frames featuring seemingly unrelated stories which are pressed into an orgy of ideas, a sweaty metro full of creeps. You don’t need a product when you have a promise. You don’t need morals when you’ve got bastard standards…what are standards anyway? We navigate life through binaries in order to make sense of nonsense. Who’s side are you on? 


The other day I passed by an early morning fish market in Venice. I witnessed a seagull try to steal a fish from a pile of ice. I don’t interfere with nature; it’s none of my business! When the fisherman caught me gawking at the attempted theft, first he told the bird to fuck off, and then he did the same to me. Fair enough. But really, whose side should you choose? My alliance first goes to the fish, but she’s already dead. So I chose the bird’s side. Sure, she’s stealing, and the fisherman worked hard for his catch, but he’s part of the sick system. 


It doesn’t matter which team you pick, we all lose either way. Regardless of our unique experiences all our films end the same way. So why not play in the meantime? The plot continues with or without you. 


Kneer’s movie posters make a mess of your nostalgia, poke a hole in your pop culture pumping heart and laugh at your hurt feelings about it. Don’t be so precious over what was never yours. Don’t be protective over images that were force-fed to you. Bite the hand that punches a hole through your free admission ticket.

– Tea Hačić-Vlahović (@teahacic)